Monday, January 31, 2011

The Semi-Pantser Plots A Story, with Whine

How I hate you,
plot outline!
You make me groan,
you make me whine -
my fingers itch
to tell my tale,
my notebook calls but
muses flail -
they do not know
just what to do.
Plot outline,
how I hate you!

Let me meander
free and fine,
choose what to say,
line by line,
backtrack, rewrite,
wander free -
but that won't do
for you, I see.
You wrap me up
in writer's twine -
how I hate you,
plot outline!

How I hate you,
plot outline!
You make me choose,
think and design
before I know
my players' voices
as they make their way
through all those choices.
You make me groan,
you make me whine -
O how I hate you,
plot outline!

1 comment:

  1. LOL chic a dee. I can feel your pain! this was great ^_^
